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How to become a Porn Writer: Step by Step Guide for being a successful blog writer

If writing about adult content is what you like, then we are here to guide you on how you can become a successful Porn writer.

There are a few career options in which you will get paid for writing adult content such as you can give a shot at writing erotic novels, you can write porn reviews or you can be an adult blog writer.

The steps and points mentioned in this article will help you in understanding the requirements of being an adult writer and to kickstart your career in porn industry.

How to become a Porn Writer

  1. How to become an adult content writer?

If writing short blogs and porn reviews interests you, then you should definitely think about becoming an adult content writer as a career option.

The options you will get to choose from are limitless. There are tons of adult blogs who offer jobs to content writers to write for them as a job.

So, the first thing you have to do is to contact those adult blogs for seeking a job and to see if they have any opportunities for you.

Once you select the desired and suitable blog for you, just contact them, discuss the benefits you would get and how much will you be paid per word basis. Also make sure to reach out to adult blogs with whose writing style you are comfortable with.

Because eventually, you will succeed only if you give your best in the writing, so you have to be comfortable with the writing style and layout that the blog follows. 

As there are multiple blogs available online and it will be tiresome to filter out the best porn blogs, we have curated a list to help you select without any extra efforts.

  1. How much money can you earn as an adult content writer? 

Now, the question comes to how much can you earn from being an adult content writer. So, the earning you will make depends on the traffic on your blog, the complexity of the article, how well it is written and received by readers.

When you start your writing career, you should start with low rates to attract more blogs to contact you. If the rates would be higher in the beginning only, there would be less options for you to monetise your work because no one likes giving more money to inexperienced writers.

So, first you should focus on building a base with less money expectations and once you reach a desired level, then you should raise your prices per piece. 

Another option for you to make money is by being a freelance blogger as they can charge per word basis and can work as per their own preferences unlike full time writers. 

If you do not find the above options much useful, then you can also opt for writing a sex blog as it also has good money. 

Now the question arises, how do you earn apart from being paid per word? The answer is monetization of your blog. This means that you have to implement advertising on your blog, so whenever a reader lands on your blog and clicks on the displayed ad, you get paid for that. The amount paid depends on the brand value and your blog reach. Isn’t it cool? 

Initially, you will have to reach the companies to give you access to display their ads on your blog. Once you become famous and start gathering a good amount of crowd, the companies will automatically reach you for advertising their ads and the money offered will also be in your expected range. So, what are you waiting for? 

  1. Starting an adult blog.

Starting an adult blog is easy but what makes it difficult is the traffic it must gather and monetization. So, you must have that knowledge of how you can make your blog famous and loved among readers which can allow you to make a living out of it.

Now, as you have decided to become an adult blog writer, you must check what your competition blogs are writing about. This will give you an idea what readers are looking for and which topic is fresh in the market.

Make sure to not copy anything from any given blog on the internet as plagiarism is strictly prohibited. All you must be looking for in the competition blog is the inspiration for a topic. 

For example, if you want to write a review for any sex toy and you check the website, ToyWithMe, you will find many articles related to the sex toy’s reviews such as 11 Best Bullet Vibrators, etc. This will give you an idea on what to write and what exactly are the readers looking for in a blog. 

Similarly, if you check the website, If Sex Matters, you will see a lot of articles on kinky erotica as well as articles on effective sex tips. These kinds of articles surely get your blood pumping and attract a huge traffic.  

So, check the competition sites and make a list of the themes you would like to write about and gather your thoughts for the same. This will help you in writing the blog in an effective manner. Always remember that researching will help you in getting plenty of ideas. 

  1. How to get traffic for your porn blog:

Now, you must have gotten an idea on what to write, so let us discuss what you can do to get traffic for your porn blog and get more readers like your work. We have curated a list of the best methods that will get people to reach at your blog effectively:

  1. Regularly Publishing the blog:

As they say, consistency is the key. You must try to publish a few articles on a weekly basis. It has been noted in the surveys that the blogs which publish work regularly gain more traffic on their site.

So, you must be regular with your work and diligent on delivering the work on a daily basis. 

  1. Length of the articles:

It has been found in the surveys that Google and other search engines prefer longer articles due to the algorithm. The article published should not be less than 300 words at all and it would be better if the article is at least upto 800 words or more.

This way it will be prioritized by the search engines. As per the study by Backlinko shows that an average article contains approximately over 1800 words if it shows on Google’s first page. 

  1. Advertising on social media:

As we discussed above, advertising is really important for the blog to earn money. So, to earn more and more followers on your blog, you must advertise your blog on your social media handles as well such as Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr etc.

 As you will be an adult content writer, you must be more focussed towards advertising on Twitter and Tumblr as these social media accounts allow adult content. 

  1. Guest Blogging:

Guest blogging is an effective way to increase traffic on your blog. For this, you will have to look out for the highly popular websites and then you will have to offer to write a guest blog post for them. You must do the same even if you have to do it for free.

Because this attracts many readers and followers for your own blog. Trust us that doing this guest blogging for free will only be for the initial stages.

As once the website likes your work, you will get paid for writing these guest blogs in the future and your followers will also be increased with the same. 

  1. Using Popular Keywords:

Including keywords in your articles is a sure shot way to enhance traffic for your website and optimize your website for search engines.

So, to do this, first you have to understand what keywords are and how to use them effectively in the blog to get more traffic.

Google’s Keyword planner can be used to find keywords which are related to your topic and which will help you in better optimization.

Apart from this, you should look out for the general keywords which are trending so that you can include those as well to attract more people to read your blog. 

There are some paid tools like SEMrush, Moz, etc. which are really helpful in getting correct keywords related to a topic to enhance the optimization of search engines. 

  1. Linking your blog to other blogs:

If you are mentioning any product or any website in your blog, you must give a link of the same. Also, make sure to contact the same website to let them know that you have linked their product or website in your blog.

This will help the website to gain more followers through your blog and you might get paid by the website for doing the same in the future. 

  1. Comment on other blogs: 

This is a very effective practice to gain more traffic for your site. You must visit other popular blogs and websites and comment on them.

This will let that website’s readers to see your comment and know about your blog. You might even get an offer from the website to be a guest blogger for them. 

  1. General tips for writing applications:

When you are applying for any writing job on an adult blog website, you must take your time to draft a good email on why this job is useful for you and how you are a perfect candidate for the job.

 You must also attach some of your writing samples in the mail so that the company would know about your writing style. As you are applying for an adult blog, you must include the samples like sex toy review, any erotica review, sex tips blog etc. 

Also, make sure to attach the work sample of the same niche as the website you are applying to.

For example, if you are applying for a job in a website which reviews sex toys or porn movies, you must attach the sample of the same work that you have done. This will increase your chances of getting hired. 

Keep a check on the length of the article too. Look for the general word count of blogs on that website and share the samples similar to that. 

  1. Best sex blogs you can write for:

We have found a few examples of the best sex blogs for which you can write. This will enable you to get an idea of what to write for your own blog or which blogs can you apply for a job. 

  1. Cara Sutra:

Cara Sutra is one of the most famous sex blogs on the internet. You will find articles related to sex tips, sex toy reviews, relationship advice, fetish book reviews and much more.

The best thing we liked about this blog is that they have a special section on their website where the guests can post their erotica stories by their name or anonymously. 

Cara is the owner of this blog and currently, she writes all the articles by herself.

So, a full-time writer job might not be a fit for this website at the moment but Cara accepts guest blogging. So, you can get a chance to guest blog on this website. 

If you want to apply for a blog post on this website, you can fill the contact form on the website to get in touch with Cara regarding the career opportunities. 

  1. Bad Girls Bible:

One of the most famous sex blogs on the internet is the Bad Girls Bible. This is a bible which posts articles about ways to enhance your sexual like and to improve your relationships.

Each article is over 3000 words, so you will find longer articles on this website. Their articles are filled with information covering topics like oral sex, tips on making orgasms more intense, sexual positions that you can try to amp up your sex life etc. 

Their website does not indicate any need or vacancy of writers but you can contact them through their Contact Us page to know if some opportunity is there. 

  1. Slutty Girls Problems:

Another great blog for which you can write is Slutty Girl Problems. This is one of the most famous sex blogs you will find on internet.

This website also posts articles and blogs related to topics like sex toy reviews, tips on how to maintain your lifestyle, relationship and articles related to feminism. 

The best thing about this website is that they have a specified Write for Us section on their site where they have intricately explained about what they are looking for and how you can write for them.

You have the option of being a full time writer on this website or being a guest writer for them as well. 

Please keep in mind that the articles must be original, funny, sex-positive and informative for the readers.

This website does not allow anything illegal on their site or in their articles so the writers have to be extra careful with the guidelines. 

  1. Kinkly:

As the name suggests, you will find kinky articles on this blog. Kinkly is a highly popluar sex blog. They publish articles related to sexual health, sex advices, sex Question & Answers, Sex toy reviews and much more. 

Kinkly also invites the writer to come and write for them but this blog is very specific for the fresh ideas and perspective of writer about sex.

They also allow their writers to submit personal stories but it should have a surprise element and must be intimate. 

You can send your sample articles or your idea pitch to the website and they will connect with you if they like your idea. 


We hope that you found this article helpful in understanding how you can be a porn writer. The sex blogs mentioned in the article are famous and there are many such blogs available on the internet.

So, you must do your research properly before starting your blog or applying for a job. The fresh ideas and your writing style will help you in becoming a good writer.

Read as many sex blogs as you can to get a proper idea of what the readers actually like to read in a blog and how your blog can be informative for the readers as well. 

Try the tips given above and start writing without any fear. These tips will definitely help you. Start and thank us later.

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