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How to Sell Men’s Used Underwear Online: An Complete Guide for Beginners

Online underwear sales were once viewed as a "desperate" option for people. But now, things are changing. Selling used underwear is rapidly growing and becoming more acceptable.

 The stigma concerning the sale of used underwear has decreased with time. With growing time, people have accepted the sale of used  clothes. However, many individuals still believe that people should refrain from selling used underwear.

Still, people who are in the business of selling used underwear are victims of humiliation. The truth is that selling old knickers online is fantastic for both men and women, and this article will help you to understand how you can start earning money by selling your used underwear only! 

Male Things Worn:  Sell Used Mens Underwear (2022) - Make $497/day

How selling used underwear is not just confined to women?

Many people believe that selling intimates is exclusively a woman's game, but males also play a significant role in this business.   Men may make a lot of money in business because there is way less competition as compared to women. There is a lot of room for males to make money selling their underwear as a side business. 

To give you an idea of how new this trend is, Mel Magazine published an article in 2019 interviewing three guys who sell their worn underwear online, and you would be surprised by hearing their answers. 

It all started when David, a 22-year-old Dutchman, challenged his female roommate to join a Reddit post where women were selling their underwear. She playfully suggested that if he found it so fascinating, he should do it. Like many others, he was astonished to learn that men were willing to pay for their underwear and that the market was big for such things. 

In the same piece, James, a 26-year-old New Yorker with a full-time corporate job, started selling underwear as a side business that he learned from another side hustle: camming.  Imagine if you were a fan of a certain cam model that wore the same style of underwear in every video.

But what if you could actually buy the underwear they wear during those hot cam sessions? Many people say that it would be amazing to get the underwear that models wore during making videos and other sessions. 

Many men who start selling underwear are able to make money selling socks, shorts, shoes, and even their own pubic hair. Since almost anything has a market, let's take a look at how to start selling your underwear on the internet.

How to sell your used underwear in the online market?

  1. Firstly, make your decision and plan your things

Before starting to sell your underwear on online platforms as well as in markets, you need to find out answers to certain questions. Some of them are as follows: - 

  • What can I do without feeling uncomfortable?
  • Does charging more for things such as wearing underwear for numerous days, Cumming in underwear, or underwear with pee stains make sense to you?

  • Do I want to promote this like myself, or do I want to use an online alter-ego or pseudonym to avoid revealing too much personally identifiable information?

  • What can I do without feeling uncomfortable?

  • What is the best way for me to market myself? The question is, should this be something I do on the side or as a full-time job?

Once you have proper answers to these questions and you finally decide to start a business selling used underwear, then the next step is setting an action plan. 

The plan may be viewed as a business strategy if you're serious about making this a long-term career, or it can simply be looked at as an individual strategy. If you are interested in selling underwear as a side business then you need to decide things such as how many pairs are required to be sold in the first month, first 6 months, etc.

If you are planning to continue with used underwear selling as your main business then you need to be more engaging and active as compared to the ones who are engaged in this work on a part-time basis. 

  1. Search for the right platform

A seller's success depends on the platform they use to market their products. To reach a global audience with your underwear, you don't have to limit yourself when it comes to marketing.

However, if your marketplace or platform is difficult to use, has frequent issues, or lacks credibility, your sales are likely to be less than expected.  Finding the right platform for selling your used underwear is one of the most important things. The right platform not only provides you with good consumers and profit, but they are also comfortable and adaptable in other aspects. 

Some of the popular platforms that can be used for selling men’s underwear are as follows: -

  • Sofia Gray: - Sofia Gray's male sellers' section is a hotbed of activity. Even if you're just starting out, Sofia Gray is the world's largest online marketplace for used panties, making it easy for you to set up shop and start selling right away. By reading Sofia Gray's daily posts, you'll always be the first to know about the most recent developments in the world of kink culture and the sale of second-hand underwear. As a bonus, retailers love Sofia Gray's social media presence especially twitter since they promote their products and services by sharing posts

  • Reddit: - It's no surprise to anyone that Reddit has been one of the most popular locations for individuals to sell their underwear before it got more widespread. Along with your used underwear, if you want to sell your other stuff such as shocks, boxers, jocks, etc., then this place is for you. 

  • Sniffer: - Sniffer is a rapidly expanding marketplace for second-hand underwear.  However, delivery is left up to you and the buyer, so make sure to plan ahead. The major downside of this platform is that they don't have the responsibility for proper delivery of underwear that has been sold through their website. 

  • Pants2Order: - UK-based Pants2Order specializes in selling men's underwear online. Even though it's relatively new and less well-known, it is completely free. No charge is demanded to sell your personal stuff here unlike on other websites. You can get a decent amount for selling your underwear in which you have cummed or peed on this platform.  

  1. Set a price and set your payment method

Selling underwear online may be challenging because of the wide range of variables that might affect the price and profit margins you can expect. People typically charge between $15 and $40 a pair for old underwear that is cum-filled or has been used for a long period of time.

It is possible to charge up to $100 per pair of underwear if your product is unique or you can add a personal touch to it, like a video of you wearing the underwear before you send it out, which many people enjoy.

Many underwear dealers also take "special requests," such as urine-stained underwear or underwear worn at specific events. They charge extra money for underwear in which they enjoyed their orgasm or have urine stains etc. 

It is important to be aware of any associated fees when selling on third-party sites. For instance, some sites may charge you a percentage of your sales if you use their services instead of putting up your own website and selling there.

If you are unable to establish your own website for selling your used underwear then use only those platforms that are reliable and demand only a low fraction of your earnings from used underwear.

  1. Market yourself and be clear

A few guidelines must be followed while selling men's underwear on the internet. For example, on several sites, you must be at least 18 years old in order to begin.

 Many websites require you to provide proof of your age, such as a driving license or another kind of identification. In addition to the age restriction, each website will have its own set of rules that must be followed in order to open an account on its platform. Check the terms and conditions carefully and make sure you understand all they require of you. 

Selling your used underwear is absolutely legal and there are no sanctions attached to it but you must keep in mind that adhering to the terms and conditions of platforms through which you are willing to sell your used underwear would lead to success

. Do not make fake accounts by misleading your correct age and other information concerned with identification. 

  1. Use social media for promotion

Selling second-hand underwear might be somewhat of a private matter. Make it clear to buyers that your marketplace and social media sites are a haven where they may express their desire without fear of judgment from their friends or family members.

You may use social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube as well as Twitter to upload a few videos of yourself wearing the underwear you're selling. Your clients will notice and appreciate your efforts if you go the additional mile for them.

Becoming active on many social media platforms is a great method to build any business, in addition to providing a clear bio about yourself and your products. Nowadays, the impact that social media puts upon the lives of individuals is unquestionable. Therefore, using social media platforms to promote your business is the key to success.  In order to ensure that your sales are booming, you need to engage your audience, offer "giveaways," and share important information

  1. Pictures draw attention

The best thing about buying used underwear is that there is no need to look at a store model to view the product. Rather customers desire to see the person whose underwear they are willing to purchase. 

This personalizes the relationship and provides the buyer something to dream about, which keeps them coming back for more. Uploading pictures also increases the desire of probable buyers to an extra level. 

Consider capturing both "professional-looking" and "personal" images, since people prefer to see a variety of aspects of your personality. Examples of this include:

  • Photos with a white backdrop that seem like they were taken by professionals

  • A few images of yourself in your bedroom or living space that show off a little more of your personal side

  • People want to see the underwear they're purchasing on you, whether it's a complete picture of your face or just a few bulge shots.

  1. Take care of your customer

It's important to retain an open mind if you decide to work in this field. Even if you're not interested in doing "extras," you should at least check into it. Some of these "extras" aren't even that difficult.

 Wearing underwear for more than one day, Cumming in the underwear, taking a short video of yourself in the underwear, and providing a personalized message to your clients are some methods to win the hearts of your customers.  Customers pay extra for this kind of thing because they are fascinated by how you used your underwear. 

Customer service is critical to a used underwear seller's success. It's all about making ensuring customers have a positive experience with your used products and your provided service. 

It doesn't matter if you're selling to consumers directly or on other platforms; the key to any successful business is understanding and comprehending your customer’s demands. This information can help you encourage future and current consumers that purchasing from you is in their best interest. 

  1. Be Consistent and reliable

Being trustworthy and consistent is a fantastic approach to acquiring new clients and retaining current ones: people remember those that are consistently good at what they do.

If you claim their package will arrive in 5 business days, make every effort to deliver on that promise. If you constantly meet their requirements, they will keep coming back. If you're inconsistent and unreliable, your customers will look elsewhere.

Therefore, it can be stated that reliability and consistency are the keys to gaining customers as well as keeping existing customers. In order to appear trustworthy, you need to be reliable and consistent.

 This is critical in luring new customers. People also like to know the person from whom they are buying used underwear since this implies that their support inquiries and connection with that person may develop over time.

  1. Post your Reviews and ask for them as well

Ask satisfied consumers to submit a review on your website or social media page about the underwear you sold. But don't be the panty spammer that bombards them with incentives and requests to evaluate their experience, because that's obnoxious and will likely drive people away.

Consumer decisions are influenced by reviews, but they may also boost a seller's reputation. A company's reputation may be built through customer reviews, which encourage consumers to connect with the business. Interaction with customers eventually leads to increased earnings for companies.

 Make it simple for customers to write reviews. This can be done by including an option or a brief statement about how much you value customer input and, if a customer contacts you with a favorable review, politely request if they may post a review online.

  1. Be safe 

In the world of used underwear sales, one of the most fundamental regulations is to be safe. Using pseudonyms, not revealing too much personal information, and not revealing your bank account information are just some of the basic methods to keep yourself secure when you're using the internet.

People have the right to control how, when, and for what purpose their personal information is used by other people. Human dignity, safety, and self-determination can only be maintained if privacy is protected. It gives people the freedom to express themselves in their own unique way.

In today’s world, privacy is a matter of concern as instances of data leakage including the private information of individuals, especially in this kind of intimate business.

 Protecting your identity from your clients is a small element of avoiding allowing yourself to be intimidated or coerced into doing something you aren't comfortable with when it comes to disclosing anything more intimate.

However, even if you're fine revealing your face in images and are okay with using your own name, there are ways to preserve your living privacy, such as making your personal social media accounts private. 

Where to Sell Used Men’s Underwear?

If you want to sell your old boxers or underwear as a side business, you'll need to decide how engaged you want to be in the selling process. Selling items on an online auction site is one of the simplest ways to sell things, but it may also be time-consuming if you must actively engage with potential purchasers.

The decision is yours, but we're here to provide a bit more information before you get engaged in this business. Some of the popular platforms where you can make a profit by selling your used underwear are as follows: - 

  • Sniffer: - Sniffer provides an easy and perfect space for selling your used underwear. The terms and conditions of the apps are also user-friendly, and the platforms try to provide the utmost benefit to their users. If you want to sell your used underwear, then you need not be the greatest at selling and you can earn money quickly and easily with Sniffer.

  • To sell your used underwear, Sniffer offers a large online shop that is easy to use. Thousands of people are interested in purchasing used underwear and you can reach out to them on Sniffer and that's where your sales will begin.

  • Snoozled: - Interested persons can buy or sell their used underwear and other intimated kinds of stuff very easily on this platform. This platform offers a wide range of products, and their terms and conditions are easily adaptable.

  • Recently, this platform also took various steps to make it easier for customers and sellers to place their orders hassle-free. Safeguarding privacy is also a major agenda of this website. 

  • Malethingsworn.com: - This online platform is specially designed for male players, and they exclusively deal with men’s intimate products. On this marketplace, users can purchase, and trade used male things. 

  • Allthingsworn.com: - The online marketplace namely All Things Worn is for people who like well-worn goods. You may promote your old pantyhose, shoes, underwear, and other dirty accessories on their website. It's a cinch to purchase and sell products that have been used previously.

  • Hunksjunk.com: - Hunksjunk is an online marketplace for men's used underwear, shoes, apparel, and other accessories. It's easy to purchase the sexy male scent you've been looking for on this site and have it sent right to your door.

  • Using the internal messaging system, you may specify exactly how you want your boyfriend to wear his briefs, jocks, or thongs.

Who is the target audience on a usual basis?

Earlier, selling used underwear online was seen as filthy, and few people were aware of the market for such products. As the sun rotates around our globe, so do trends. Who is purchasing men's used underwear is a matter of concern? 

This may include men who are on a tight budget or who don't want to spend a lot of money on new Gucci underwear. However, it's more probable that older males or persons with a fetish will pay the most for your items.

Some people are earning hundreds or even thousands of dollars by selling their used underwear.

Who is Selling Men’s Used Underwear?

Any one of you can engage in this business of selling used underwear but more specifically, students, bodybuilders, straight or gay guys, etc., are more involved in this work. 

Along with these, athletes, husbands or wives, and persons struggling with their financial issues are also engaged in this business in a high percentage. However, many people do this as a part of their passion and tend to make a proper platform and action plan to make their business successful.

As you can see, almost every class of people are engaged in this business or might engage later to make a profit from used underwear. 


Selling your used underwear is a profitable business and if you are interested and have a passion in this field, then there are lots of online platforms where you can sell your used underwear. However, If you want, you can create your own website and engage with customers. Remember, taking care of your customer is the key to success in this business.


  1. What can you do with old men's underwear?

You can sell your underwear on various platforms mentioned above such as Sniffer, Snoozled, Malethingsworn.com, Allthingsworn.com, Hunksjunk.com, etc. Earlier, an array of stigma was attached to selling used underwear, especially for men players. But now things are changing and selling used men’s underwear is in trend. The desires and passion of people are increasing in this field and now the customer base is also on the rise. 

  1. Is there a market for men's underwear?

Yes, the market for men’s used underwear is growing at a high pace.  The market is less competitive for men as compared to women because of a smaller number of players. Despite this, many websites prefer that you be a man and that you look fantastic in your underwear. It is important to note that not all men's underwear online auction sites are seeking slightly worn stylish boxers for sale at a discounted rate. As an alternative, men's worn underwear is being sold online as a valuable commodity or even as a fetish. 

  1. Is selling your underwear profitable?

Yes, people are gaining huge profits by selling their used underwear. Males are getting hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a monthly basis by selling their used underwear. Customers are even willing to pay extra for personalized underwear such as underwear in which your pee stains are available or even in which you enjoy your private life. 

  1. Can I sell my used knickers on eBay?

No, you cannot sell your used knickers on eBay. Used underwear cannot be sold on eBay because of health and safety concerns, according to an eBay spokeswoman. Additionally, selling knickers is considered improper or does not conform with our policies on eBay. However, you are selling your knickers on various other platforms.

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