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How Do Podcasts Make Money

A podcast is a collection of spoken-word audio episodes about a specific topic or theme, such as cycling or startups.

You may subscribe to the podcast using an application on your smartphone and hear episodes on headphones, in the car, or through speakers whenever you choose. Users can download podcasts to their gadgets or mobile devices as a series of taped talk radio broadcasts.

Podcasters frequently release new shows on a regular basis.

A podcast does not have a set structure, length, or style. They may discuss a wide range of topics, but each episode usually concentrates on a single topic or tale. Some podcasters improvise while others read from a script.

How Do Podcasts Make Money? 

Before You Monetize Your Podcast

Build a community

Empowering your listeners with a platform and the ability to discover their voices and share their opinions with others is critical to developing a healthy community.

Creating a dedicated forum or Facebook group for your community allows your listeners to form relationships with not just you, the presenter, but also other members of the community.

 They can use a community platform to interact and connect with people who share their beliefs and interests. Creating an online community provides your listeners with a place to connect, a place to belong, and a sense that they are not the only ones with certain opinions.

Because your listeners are the basis for your show's existence, it's critical to always keep them in mind. With each episode you release, provide them with actual, useful information and guidance.

Giving them a survey and asking them what they would like to know more about is a wonderful approach to see whether you are on track with this.

 Make it about them, not all about you; after all, they are your neighbours! Asking listeners to email in their particular queries to the programme is another approach to develop audience-focused material.

 Then devote one episode, or at least a portion of an episode, to addressing those questions.

Do not make money off of your listeners. Instead, build genuine connections with your audience and profit from those connections. There's a distinction to be made here.

 People can tell when you're being untruthful. By not appreciating your listeners, you will alienate their right to experience like they are a part of the podcast experience.

It must be a healthy connection; else, it will not function.

Pod Sound School has some great tips about building a community around your podcast.

Picking the right hosting platform

Basic functionality such as an RSS feed and statistics are provided by most podcast hosting, both free and paid. You'll undoubtedly require more than the bare minimum as your podcast develops and improves.

Knowing what a podcast hosting platform has to serve from the start can make things easier for you as you go with your show.

The finest podcasting hosting for your broadcast is determined by your requirements and intended usage of the platform. When comparing podcast hosting systems, pay particular attention to the following eight factors:

  1. Limits on storage and bandwidth
  2. Analytics reporting
  3. Customer support and ease of use
  4. Compatibility
  5. Media player capability
  6. Transcription facility
  7. Facilities to monetize
  8. Price

The podcast hosting platform you choose for your show may make or break its success. Set aside enough money while planning for your podcast to acquire the best one. Although there are several podcast hosting services available, not all of them have the same functionalities. 

Conduct extensive research to determine which podcast hosting platform is ideal for you. In the long term, it will pay off.

When Should You Start Considering Monetizing?

You should start laying the groundwork for revenue as soon as possible, which includes building a large community of followers and choosing a suitable hosting platform. As your audience expands, you'll start to realise the benefits. Now is a better time than any to start thinking about monetizing your podcast.

But let's be clear about something. You can start monetizing right away, but it doesn't imply you can make money from your programme right away; that will take some time.

You may set up a Patreon account for your show before you release your first episode, but don't expect to have fifty Patreon subscribers every episode right away.

It's possible that you'll only get two. Cross-promoting your community groups to link your listeners is a wonderful method to start developing your community. The key is to approach it as a long-term play. Start monetizing right away, but make sure you have a long-term strategy in place.

It will be difficult, and you will have to work hard, but if you persist with it in a clever and genuine manner, you will finally succeed. Buzzprout has a useful video about the timeliness of monetizing your podcas

How do podcasts make money?

You should start laying the groundwork for revenue as soon as possible, which includes building a large community of followers and choosing a suitable hosting platform. As your audience expands, you'll start to realise the benefits. Now is a better time than any to start thinking about monetizing your podcast.

 But let's be clear about something. You can start monetizing right away, but it doesn't imply you can make money from your programme right away; that will take some time.

You may set up a Patreon account for your show before you release your first episode, but don't expect to have fifty Patreon subscribers every episode right away.

It's possible that you'll only get two. Cross-promoting your community groups to link your listeners is a wonderful method to start developing your community. The key is to approach it as a long-term play. Start monetizing right away, but make sure you have a long-term strategy in place.

It will be difficult, and you will have to work hard, but if you persist with it in a clever and genuine manner, you will finally succeed. Buzzprout has a useful video about the timeliness of monetizing your podcasts.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a method of earning money by promoting other people's products and services. Everyone who enrols for a service/product through your unique link earns you a commission.

 Affiliate marketing is most effective when you advertise services or products that you use or are aligned with so that you can promote them truthfully.

If you don't have the viewership for typical sponsorships, you may build your own "ad" space to promote an affiliate deal. Alternatively, you might mention a product or service naturally as part of your usual content.

Sponsors & Advertising

When it comes to making money from podcasting, advertising and sponsorships are generally the first things that come to mind. There are a variety of podcast advertising networks that may help you connect with sponsors. They handle everything from locating advertising to negotiating fees to acquiring the screenplay.

To work with them, you normally need a bigger audience of at least 5,000 or 10,000 monthly listeners. Reaching out directly to firms that would be the right solution for your audience is another method that can do well if you have a narrower or more specialised community.


Online courses are a terrific method to educate something in a simple, easy-to-follow manner that leads to a definite outcome once done. Another approach to sell courses is to leverage a webinar platform to highlight the value of what you do for roughly 60 minutes and offer a program you have at the conclusion.

These perform effectively since people are interested and get to engage with you in real time. 

You own a community of prospective course clients as a podcaster, which means you can design something just for them!

Ask questions like "What is your biggest issue with [possible course topic]?" to your listeners. "What would you be able to do if you solved this problem?" Having an email list allows you to inform your audience about your session both on your show and via email.

Sell your services

Choosing the right moment to begin selling your services might be difficult. You must factor in audience participation and average subscriber numbers. If you have a loyal and consistent fan following that believes in your industry knowledge, now could be the time to start thinking about some of the tactics listed above.

The majority of strategies for marketing your services will just require your time to organise your set-up. 

The brilliant thing about podcasting is that it's a great way to start a funnel. What better method to express the only thing you want your audience to do next than to tell them?

 Having the ability to generate alternating calls to action on your podcast that push your target audience to join up for a newsletter, a free course, or a webinar is a successful approach for any business.

Coaching & Consulting

You already have a wealth of information that you're sharing with your audience, but everyone is different, and as a result, each individual has unique queries regarding your knowledge, based on their own personal experiences. As a consequence, why not give coaching a shot?

 If you don't have a lot of free time, tell your listeners on your show that you have a few spare hours and want to help a certain number of individuals.

Take it a step further by looking at what others are doing in your field and determining how you may capitalise on your own advantages. Your upbringing, experiences, and personal characteristics are all unique to you. Even though there are other trainers in the same sector as you, you are the only one who is you, and that is your edge.

When you start onboarding customers for coaching, pay attention to what they're saying so you can figure out what challenges they all have in common and tailor your coaching service to meet their requirements.

Because they know and trust you on a profound level, your clients will promote your podcast and content if you build stronger relationships and help others through coaching services.

Crowdfunding & Donations

You may solicit donations to help you and your podcast succeed.  Entertainment-oriented podcasts might be an excellent fit for this type of monetization. Patreon is a popular website for taking donations.

 They make it quite simple to provide more material or benefits in exchange for financial assistance. They also let you create a separate paid-only RSS feed, which works well with the next way to generate money with podcasting.

Premium Content

Selling premium material is a terrific strategy to grow your podcast's audience and revenue. Premium content differs from membership material in that it is typically more in-depth and lengthier than membership content or free content.

Another episode that isn't available on your usual podcast feed might be considered premium content. You may, for example, produce two podcast episodes every week, one free and the other with a premium ticket.

 Turn your episodes into case studies, extended blog entries, webinars, product manuals, or checklists, among other things. To truly appreciate what you're teaching on your podcast, listeners sometimes want physical information that they can engage with.

Premium content may be anything you want it to be, but some of the most popular ways podcasters offer it are:

  • -Additional interviews are planned.
  • -Content from behind the scenes
  • -RSS feed with no advertisements
  • -RSS feed with early access
  • -Question and Answer Session with the Hosts

Have fun thinking about new ways to provide value to your fanbase for just a few bucks each month.


Hosting an event is not just a terrific way to generate money, but it also allows you to bring together your most loyal supporters and provide them with even more value. Whether your budget is limited or you just want to take your event up a notch, getting a sponsor might be the difference between having enough money to pull it off or not.

Not only that, but having a sponsorship for your event means you can tap into their audience for marketing by urging them to share your social media postings or, at the very least, tagging them in your material.

Selling physical products

Merchandise is a great method to monetise your podcast while also promoting your business. Do you remember those Costco food samples? They always create an urge to purchase the entire set. Consider your podcast episodes to be a taste of your product.

 If the buyer likes it, they'll want to know how to acquire more. And, if your items are satisfactory, they will remain loyal to your company.

You might even start your own business and sell your own goods. Maybe you're a graphic designer or illustrator who wants to sell your artwork. It's the ideal approach to promote your show and show off your skills to the rest of the globe. Platforms such as Bonanza, Etsy, and Spreadshop are ideal for pre-made items.

Online selling takes some thought and organisation, but it can be a terrific way to supplement your podcast and company with a steady source of revenue.

Books/ E-books

When you were a child, you most certainly learnt in a different way than the kid next to you in class. Adults are in the same boat. We all learn in different ways, and some of your followers may choose to read ebooks rather than listen to podcasts.

 You may increase your monetization prospects by diversifying your material and reworking a few podcast shows into an eBook.You may leverage your podcast listeners to generate first purchases and reviews for your book, which will make it stand out.

Each podcaster has their niche or expertise. Use your experience, knowledge, and interactions with your audience to compile major learnings into a book.

 This will add tremendous value not just to your personal brand, but also to your listeners who will appreciate quality content being rolled out by you. It builds trust and thus goes a long way in creating an iconic brand out of your podcast.

Public Speaking

If you want your business podcast to lead to keynote speaking chances, you need to know what effective methods you can use to pique your audience's attention. The way you talk is the very first thing you should think about. How can we improve our communication skills?

If you're doing your podcast correctly, it shouldn't be difficult. The first thing you should do is increase your networking efforts. You must locate the events to which you wish to go on your own. Begin following them, offering them shout-outs, and engaging in conversation with the event's community.

Do it as quickly as possible. If you can't attend the event in person, get a virtual ticket, check it out and test, see how it went, and ask yourself, "Is this a good match for me?" If that's the case, start following the organisers and the event group, and begin sharing with them right away.

To develop connections, start conversing, interacting, asking questions, and so on.

Combine Methods

You can always have a mix and match of any of the aforementioned methods, especially if they synergize. For example, selling e-books and services as a professional/ expert makes sense since an author would anyway have the knowledge and experience to sell his services.

Similarly, you can think of a good blend of methods to achieve an influx of money leveraging your podcasts.

How Much Money Do Podcasts Make?

To be honest, most of them make nothing. People don't pay for artistic activity like podcasting until they choose to watch it.

Listeners take time to decide whether or not you are valuable. So, if you're going to begin a podcast to make money this week, you better search for another source of revenue.

But if you throw in the effort to create great material, release new episodes on a regular basis, and engage your target audience,

you'll eventually be able to create a programme that makes money every episode. 

Many people are able to make a decent income by working on their podcasting for a few hours each day.

The Bowery Boys is a Patreon-funded podcast on New York City's history that earns over $3,800 each month.

Through Patreon alone, The Last Podcast On The Left earns nearly $57,000 every month. They also sell t-shirts and do live events in different cities on a regular basis.


How much money can you make from a podcast?

There is no simple answer to this question. It all depends on your efforts and the quality of your work. Just publishing content regularly will not suffice. You have to get the recipe right, the right niche and the right set of knowledge to talk about topics that your target audience actually wants to hear. You can make as little as nothing and can go as high as $100,000 (or even more including sale of merc, patreon, etc.) per show.

Are podcasts profitable?

Profit is a variable of sales and costs. Setting up for a podcast isn’t very expensive. However, getting enough actively paying members or listeners to your podcasts is a challenge at which many fail. But if you are persistent, you may end up building a cash cow.

How do I start a podcast and get paid?

It will take a ton of patience for one to start a podcast and earn from it instantaneously. Instead, focus on building a follower-base. Try not to sell to them, but to add value to them.

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