Complete Guide on Nipple Play/Nipple Sex

Nipples are probably the most sensitive points on a woman’s body.

Men might not get as stimulated if you tease their nipples but many men like it even though they might not admit it due to shyness or male ego.

According to human anatomy, a cute looking nipple has over 800 nerve ends that carry sensations to the brain if you happen to touch, squeeze, bite, or tease them.

It is also found that teasing nipples releases a hormone called oxytocin which is also known as the happy hormone.

A master of nipple play can even make a woman moan and scream with pleasure. You can make a woman cum as well just by playing with her nipples!

That being said, it is also necessary to be careful while playing with someone’s nipples because they are sensitive and a little cut or scar can make them bleed.

nipple clamps

The most effective way of teasing and stimulating nipples is by pinching it first and then holding it in the upward direction to restrict the circulation of blood to its nerve endings.

We suggest you include nipples in your foreplay sessions because it redefines your sexual experience and amplifies your pleasures to a whole new level. If you are not happy with your sex life then, it is probably because you haven’t paid as much attention to your cherry toppings as you should have.

Nipple play is also an integral part of BDSM and many accessories like nipple clamps, teasers, etc. are used to stimulate the nipples by inflicting pain and pressure on them. Some men even get more aroused than women when you pinch or squeeze their nipples.

Nipple Play Tips - How Women Like Their Nipples Touched

This might be because their nerve endings are concentrated in a much smaller area. We also feel goose-bumps when someone pinches it hard or bites it with their teeth. This proves that nipples get aroused easily than most parts of our body and therefore we cannot ignore it while having sex.

Many women do not experience an orgasm while masturbating if they do not touch their nipples. Nipple play or nipple sex is a whole process in itself and today we will give some useful insights that might help you understand how to deal with nipple stimulations.

However, before that, let us understand the anatomy of nipples first. These are some fun and interesting facts that might improve your knowledge of nipples:

  • Two nipples of the same body can look completely different or at least there might be slight changes in their looks. This is true because no two nipples look alike and it is completely normal.
  • The outer ring that circles your nipples is called the areola. The look and texture of areola can differ from people to people. Men usually have areolas that are coloured to be brown, dark brown, or even black in some cases.
  • Women usually have dark pink, light pink, dark brown, light brown, or black coloured areolas. It is usually observed that the colour of our areolas darken when somebody teases them or whenever we get aroused.
  • In some cultures, women paint their nipples with a dark colour to seduce their partners.
  • Some individuals might have a soft areola whereas some might have bumpy or more granulated areola. The bumps might be formed because of the Montgomery glands that produce an oily lubricant of white colour that protects our skin.
  • Don’t be too harsh on these bumps as they can open up and cause infection.
  • Most females and even men have a hair-lining around their nipples. It is completely normal. Some women might have more prominent hairline around their nipples that look like eyelashes.
  • Breasts prove that we belong to the class of mammals. Like us many mammals like cows, goats, elephants, etc. have breasts but the nipples of these animals are called teats because they discharge milk through a single opening called teat that is attached to their udder.
  • Mammals like horses and platypus do not have nipples because they do not have breasts as we humans do. Even many mammals like cats and dogs don't have nipples on their chests/breasts but have multiple pairs of nipples on their bellies.

Inverted nipples

Countless people around the world have inverted nipples.

Inverted nipples look like they have been pulled inside your breast instead of bending down or staying at ninety degrees. 

When they are aroused they pop-out more prominently.

Inversion is not an abnormality but it happens when your milk duct pulls your nipples back in your chest.

Some people also do piercings to stop the inversion but we do not recommend it as it can be painful at times.

People with inverted nipples feel that they cannot stimulate their nipples during foreplay or sex. However, it is not true at all.

nipple types

Even these nipples come out and become puffier when you tease them and you can try to tease them after lubricating them enough with a gel. There are different kinds of inverted nipple fetishes and you can read several articles about them on the internet.

Stimulating gels

You will find numerous nipple stimulating lotions, lubricants, and gels in the market.

These stimulants increase the sensitivity of your nipples and prove to be effective for those people who do not have sensitive nipples. Most of these stimulants have menthol in them which arouses your nipples and they stand erect which helps you to stimulate them more.

These gels and lotions aren’t expensive at all and are available easily.

Tongue teasing & licking

Women who have huge breasts can bring their nipples near their mouth easily. This also enables them to tease their nipples with their tongue.

Licking creates a warm sensation on and around the nipples and the feeling intensifies when you start flicking them with your tongue. Sadly, this privilege is not applicable for men but they can ask their partners to kiss, lick, and flick their nipples whenever they crave it.

If you want to arouse the nipples of your partner you must start slowly by touching the top part of their nipples with the tip of your tongue. You can even circle your tongue around their nipples for giving them more pleasure.

As things progress, make your tongue hard and start pushing their nipples side-wards, upwards, and downwards randomly. You can notice that their nipples are getting hard and erect as you continue to tease them more. An occasional kiss on the nipples or sucking might make them hornier.

Do not let them loose and continue the sucking and licking session with more passion and fervour.

How to Touch Breasts and Nipples

Pinching & Pulling

As we had said earlier, the most effective way to stimulate nipples is to pinch them and pull them. Once you have seduced your partner with your tongue, it is time to pinch and squeeze their nipples.

An occasional pull might intensify things more. Your partner will start moaning as the flow of blood is interrupted.

However, do ask your partner to tell you whenever he/she cannot bear the pain of pinches anymore. It is better to omit this idea if your partner has piercings because pinching can hurt their nipples seriously.

Bite their Nipples

When you are done enough with the slow licking, nibbling, pinching, and pulling, it is time to introduce teeth into the foreplay.

Start biting them lightly and keep kissing the nipples whenever you feel that the bites have been a bit harsh. You can bite with more passion as things proceed and do not forget to grab and squeeze their breasts.

Some people do not like to get bit especially when it comes to sensitive parts like nipples. Therefore, you must consult with your partner before the foreplay session to confirm whether they would like to get a bit during nipple play or not.

Use vibrators

If you have a small bullet vibrator at your home, put them to use by touching them with your nipples.

Even vibrating dildos have removable bullets these days and you can use them to stimulate your partner’s nipples.

Do not overuse it as it can make your nipples numb and some people cannot bear too much nipple stimulation.

However, when we tested it on a couple of our team members, we received positive remarks. Therefore, this is not a bad nipple stimulation idea at all.



Nipple clamps are being used for a long time to tease and press the nipples. They are especially used in BDSM when a person tries to dominate his/her partner by inflicting pain on different sensitive areas including the nipples.

Some clamps are just used to hold the nipples in place whereas some clamps are designed to increase the pressure and pain on the nipples which cause both and pain simultaneously. Many people think that nipple clamps are very painful and harsh on the nipples.

However, it is not completely true. It depends on the type of nipple clamps you choose as many nipple clamps are designed to squeeze and punish the nipples. Let us learn to use these nipples clamps perfectly by following these things:

Nipple Clamps for Excellent Nipple Play

  • Nipple clamps are of various types, designs, and sizes. Tweezers and alligators are capable of inducing too much pain and torture and are only meant for those who enjoy BDSM and pain.
  • Then there are vibrating tweezers that can stimulate your nipples to the extreme levels. Most of the nipple clamps come with a chain that can be used to pull the nipples. This induces more pressure and your partner will start screaming and moaning due to intense pain and pleasure.
  • Clamps are mostly metallic but the pinching ends of these clamps are covered with softer materials like leather or rubber to make them bearable. Some clamps are even textured or have sharp objects called teeth to inflict more pain to the wearer.
  • Nipple clamps also have tightening screws that can be used to make the grip harder and tighter. Beginners might even not be able to bear the pain of nipple clamps and the option of using tightening screws is certainly out of the question.
  • Tweezer clamps are used to hold the nipples in place by squeezing them sideways. Some tweezer clamps come with adjusters that can be used to increase the pressure of their hold.
  • Tweezer clamps can also be used as clitoris clamps but your partner has to be experienced to bear stimulations on both nipples and clit simultaneously.
  • Nipple clamps and tweezers can be used for stimulating nipples of both men and women. They are only used during foreplay and BDSM activities. Their use is completely optional especially to the ones who are new to the world of nipple play.

Nipple suckers

Nipple suckers are more nipple-friendly as they are made from lighter materials like silicone or rubber. They create pressure on your nipples by creating a vacuum which in turn teases your nipples and cause an erection of nipples. .

Nipple suckers are ideal for beginners who do not know much about nipple sex. However, some nipples can be too sensitive to bear even the pressure of nipple suckers and therefore, it is also an optional nipple gear for the novice users.

Adding weights

Couples who use nipple clamps also use weights to add more pressure to the nipples. Some clamps are even designed to hold weights as weights can prove to be a cool addition in the nipple play session.

Some women get so addicted to weights and nipple clamps that they keep wearing them for many hours. However, we do not recommend such usage of clamps and weights as they can hurt your nipples in the long run.


Nipple piercings are trending these days because they not only add another level of excitement to your nipples but some people (mostly women) think that they look cool. We recommend our readers to be careful while using piercings as it can be harmful at times.

Even if you pierce your nipples, it is better to be patient after that. You should allow the piercing to heal completely or else it might even lead to infections and your nipples might have to be cut down. Therefore, do not rush into nipple play right after getting your nipples pierced.

Do not expose your nipples to any teasing or nipple toys for some weeks and even months in some cases when the person’s nipples are too sensitive. Also, you cannot use electro-stimulation nipple toys after you get your nipples pierced.

This is because the piercings can act as a high-voltage surface which might burn some areas of your nipples straightaway.

What they Don't Tell You About Nipple Piercings

Some misconception around nipple play/nipple sex

Many guys and girls think that nipple play or nipple sex decreases the sensitivity of their nipples. However, the feeling of numbness or lack of sensitivity lasts only for some hours or at the maximum one day but your nipples will regain their sensitivity.

Therefore, there is no need to hesitate before engaging in a steamy session of nipple sex.

Some people think that only a woman’s or girl’s nipples can be stimulated. This, however, is completely baseless. Nipple sensitivity can vary with gender but all of us get aroused when they are exposed to hot and cold temperature.

Even sexuality has to do nothing with nipple sensitivity. Straight, gay, transgender, lesbians all react positively when you tease their nipples.

Now let us look at some useful suggestions and tips that you can follow while indulging in an erotic nipple play session:

Start slowing

Start teasing your partner by blowing hot breaths on his/her nipples. See how they react to it. Most men and women love warm sensations around their nipples and this is the best way to start a nipple-foreplay.

Do not push too hard

Do not push things too hard if your partner's nipples do not feel anything even after teasing and stimulating them. You can apply stimulating gels on them but if that doesn't work then we suggest you find other sensitive parts on his/her body.


People who do not have sensitive nipples can try by hanging some weight around their nipples. They can walk around with these weights and see if a light gush of wind or breeze does anything to your nipples.

All nipples are not the same

As we had said earlier, all the nipples do not look similar. Also, all nipples do not react similarly either when you touch, kiss, lick or tease it.

Some people do not feel anything if you touch their nipples with your finger but the moment you touch your lips or tongue on it they will start giggling. This is a sign that their nipples are sensitive to softer body parts like lips and tongue.

Hot or Cold Exposure

Exposing your nipples to hot or cold objects can feel different and can create exciting sensations. Use ice cubes to check how your nipples react to things that are too cold. Some people even experiment with hot candles to push the sensitivity of their nipples to another level.

However, we would not recommend you drop hot wax dripping from candles on your nipples especially if the skin covering your nipples is thin.

Many individuals around the world love to subject their nipples to pain and in some cases, people even prefer to torture the nipples of their partner to drive them crazy.

Pinches & twists

Pinching and twisting nipples to explore their sensitivity are simple yet effective ways to tease nipples. Some people also like it when someone strokes their nipples with fingers whereas some people might get aroused when someone slaps and squeezes their nipples.

Nipple orgasms are rare

Though nipple orgasms are quite rare. Therefore, you don't need to explode gallons of cum after nipple stimulation. It can be done just to push your excitement to another level during the foreplay or to turn your partner on.

Try to Enhance the Settings

The ambience and settings play a vital role during kinky activities like nipple play. Therefore, you can light perfume candles, decorate your bed with rose petals, dim the light, and play light and romantic music or song to seduce your partner into nipple sex.

Use your free hand

If one hand of yours is busy pinching or touching the nipples do not let the other hand rest. Use it to stroke the penis or tease the clit of your partner to bring them closer to  orgasms during the nipple play session.

Be comfortable

Always use a comfortable sitting place or bed while you are engrossed in nipple play activities. You can also use nipples, furry teddies, and squishy toys to increase the comfort level of you and your partner.

Final Verdict

These were some useful tips and key insights that can help you to excite your partner’s nipples. Most of these techniques are safe and are used by beginners as well but some techniques and methods are only meant for experienced players.

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